Life on Mission Book Club
In a culture of immediacy and in a city of transience and constant busyness, what can we do to slow down, set roots and help make this crazy city feel more like home? And more than that, how can we learn to see our neighborhood, our workplace and our school as less a place we get from and more a place we can help thrive?
This book club is an attempt to address some of these questions and struggles as Christians try to figure out what it looks like to embrace the mission of staying to be and make disciples in the biggest city in the US.
You can sign up below to join the club where you will receive resources to help gather groups for conversation or just spur some deeper discussion with your spouse, a roommate or classmate. Going forward you can receive these discussion questions, quotes and podcast recommendations by email or check the book club tab above.
We start March 1st with the book, Staying is the New Going by Alan Briggs, where the author, "shares fascinating stories and provocative insights that demonstrate how to love our neighbors, pray for the welfare of your city and make an eternal impact on your corner of the world (and on yourself in the process)"
Join the club and the conversation and inviting others along as we consider the invitation from God to join Him in the renewal of all things.
if you have questions, or even book suggestions shoot me an email.