Following Jesus and loving our city together


What I'm Reading

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Many have asked recently what books have helped shape the way I think and drive what I do

With that in mind then, I am starting this series of posts to share my current reading list and share what I'm learning as I go.  As you follow along [please do], I would love to hear your thoughts, and even bring your own suggestions.

With that, here's the current list and some reasoning behind them

  1. In the Bible - Matthew - I always spend a portion of each year doing a slow reading through one of the gospels in an attempt to deepen my understanding of the life and ministry of and love for Jesus
  2. Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges - Along with my Bible reading, I couple it with a book that is good for my soul.  Bridges is one of my favorites and this book is no joke.  Watch for quotes coming!
  3. Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond - Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this journalistic journey of 8 families struggling through urban poverty is powerful and devastating in its honest, up-close portrayal.  Some of my ministry involves helping the affluent see the lives of the overlooked and this book does just that.
  4. The Power of Proximity: Moving Beyond Awareness to Action by Michelle Warren - Once a year, I organize a book club at our church and invite people to read a book teaching about social justice.  You can follow along HERE
  5. The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods by John McKnight and Peter Block - I am always working and learning to be a better community organizer and advocate and this book is GOLD.  McKnight is the godfather of ABCD [asset based community development] and this is THE textbook on learning to practice that well
  6. Since We Fell by Dennis Lehane - [Heavy books right?!] That's why I try to finish every day reading fiction. This is a page turner from the man who also wrote Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone, and Shutter Island