Following Jesus and loving our city together


A Busy Spring and Your Support

As I enter a busy spring, I’m inviting new donors to consider supporting the work I do here in Brooklyn of helping communities work better together to address criminal, economic and racial injustice

With that, I’m asking 16 new people to consider monthly giving

  • 4 to give $100/month
  • 4 to give $50/month
  • 8 to give $25/month

[You can also give more or less, or even make a one-time contribution. Every dollar matters, so thank you!]

You can find out more about how to give HERE

Your support helps me educate, advocate and organize for the good of our city


Over the past few months, I've had opportunities to

  • Preach Palm Sunday at Grace Baptist Church about the Unexpected Offer Jesus makes in the midst of our struggles [and honored to preach there again May 6th]
  • Talk with Young Life Crown Heights about how faith and the gospel informs the work of social justice
  • Share at Brooklyn School for Collaborative Studies - Speaking to a group of Dutch and Brooklyn students about we can build a more just society together.
  • May 4th I have the opportunity to speak about collaboration and intersectionality in the work of restorative justice with my friend Tracey at Lehman - CUNY


In the midst of a number of tragedies and injustices, my work involves me standing with and praying for hurting families and communities.  Over the past months

  • I have marched in Crown Heights, hearing the heart-cries of a community angry and broken at the loss of life in the midst of ongoing tensions between the police and the neighborhood
  • Lamented and prayed for healing in Flatbush as another person of color dies needlessly
  • Stood with many organizations in the city and state calling for early voting legislation as part of a broader conversation to change unjust voting laws in New York


Because justice issues are complex and multifaceted, to see lasting change requires organizations working together to address the issues together.  The start of the year has allowed me...

  • To invite local businesses to continue and further support our job mentoring program.  Read some of the testimonies HERE
  • To start a conversation among a number of churches about what starting a safe space conversation and prayer group for inmates at the Brooklyn [Prison] complex could look like.

Again, all of this is made possible through the generosity, encouragement and prayers of so many.  If you give and/or pray, THANK YOU!  If you are considering it, THANK YOU and please do let me know if you have any questions.  If you have other friends you know would be interested, please don't hesitate to send this along to others.




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