Following Jesus and loving our city together


Joining God at the Library

A couple of weeks ago, I was approaching the end of my shift and a woman who I see every Saturday walked into the lobby. I greeted her with a “Hi, how are you?” and she actually acknowledge me.

“I was paid yesterday and today I’m out of money.” So I asked her for her name.

“Mary,” she said

“Well Mary, I’m Tim and I’ll pray for you, ok?"

She immediately brightened up and said “Oh, thank you so much!” and then went to sit in the cafe area. I didn’t see her for a week or so, but this past weekend I saw Mary sitting in the cafe area.

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Zac MartinComment
Life on Mission Book Club

In a culture of immediacy and in a city of transience and constant busyness, what can we do to slow down, set roots and help make this crazy city feel more like home?  And more than that, how can we learn to see our neighborhood, our workplace and our school as less a place we get from and more a place we can help thrive?

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missionZac MartinComment